About Us

The Story Behind VeVali Co.

Why the name?
VeVali Co. is a fusion between the name Veronica and Valeria - the two owners! However, it also has the added quirk that it's the beginning of the phrase "ve valiente" which means "go bravely", hence our slogan. Opening this shop was our brave journey that we step further into each day. We not only remind ourselves, but remind you, to go bravely in your journey, whatever journey that is, and take it one step at a time!


Hi everyone! The name's Val and I am co-owner of VeVali Co.! As the picture on the left shows, I am a foodie. I enjoy eating, especially around the world. Whenever I have free time, I love to read and partake in arts and crafts. I am terrified of spiders and hate when the house creaks.

Any time I make products someone loves or identifies with, I do a happy dance! So please take a look around and happy shopping!